Is starting a blog on a budget even possible? Yes, it’s possible and I will show you everything you need to get started in this super brief article and the estimated cost of each. Please understand that prices are subject to change.

Well-written blog articles are a great way to drive traffic to a business website. A small business owner or side hustler can launch a competitive website with a top-shelf blog component for less than a hundred dollars! Small business owners and side hustlers with decent websites have a competitive advantage over someone with only a social media presence.

I have one active website(blogs), The Profit Dare . The design of The Profit Dare site is a bit more expensive than the Sola Melodica site. Both, however, are quite economical and beneficial.

There are over eight billion Google searches per day. People have questions, problems, and issues and are looking for answers. You can expand your business and capture market share by mastering the skill of writing blog articles.

Here is everything that I use for The Profit Dare and Sola Melodica websites.

Affiliate Marketing Disclosure

Full disclosure: The Profit Dare is an affiliate with some of these companies. That means when you purchase through our link, The Profit Dare earns a sales commission. Your price is unchanged whether you buy through our affiliate link or directly through the company.

The Profit Dare, however, donates all affiliate marketing profits to a church planting ministry known as Reach The Rest. This organization plants churches in some of the most challenging places in the world.

Your purchase simply makes those donations larger which results in more new churches.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Host — Blue Host

I’ve used Blue Host from day one. They’ve been wonderful to me. Whenever I have a technical question I can chat with them day or night and they’ve always resolved my issue. It’s typically operator error (my fault) and they correct the problem or help me correct it.

You can get started for less than $100 for the first year. One year is adequate time to discover if maintaining a website and writing killer content is something you can consistently do well. Blogging is reserved for those with tremendous grit and vision for their business or side hustle.

If you sign up for Blue Host through my link I will link to your website when it’s up and running. Additionally, I will give you a shout-out on my YouTube channels.

There are many hosting companies. We’ve investigated them all. For the value Blue Host, in my opinion, is hands down the best.

Blogging Platform — WordPress

There are other platforms besides WordPress. WordPress, however, about 30% of all websites use WordPress. Why?

I’m not going to recreate the wheel. Here’s a great article that provides 12 reasons to use WordPress.

Theme — Divi or Acabado

When I first began my website I used a free WordPress template. It was okay. After a few months, I paid for a theme that provided a cleaner look and more “out of the box” bells and whistles.

I am currently using Divi for The Profit Dare and Acabado for my Sola Melodica site. At one time I used Acabado for both.

Acabado is a fantastic theme. It was created by the fine team at Income School. It’s simple to use and it’s blazing fast. Acabado costs $67 annually or $179 for 100 years.

Divi has more options available than Acabado. That’s the only reason why I switched to Divi for The Profit Dare site.

I knew nothing about website creation and yet still designed The Profit Dare site. I watched dozens of YouTube videos and learned from Stewart Gauld, Darrel Wilson, and Ferdy Korpershoek. Each of them taught me something.

I’m most definitely a tech amateur. Divi is simple and intuitive. I hate cliches but here goes: If I can do you anyone can do it.

Divi and Acabado’s pricing structures are similar. Divi access is $89 per year or $249 for a lifetime license. If money is no object, Divi is a much better value than Acabado.

Divi WordPress Theme

Grammarly — Trust Me You Need It

I love to write and I have a ton of practice. Yet, I still make regular spelling and grammatical errors. Grammarly saves my bacon on a daily basis. I use it for The Profit Dare and Sola Melodica websites, both of my YouTube channels, all of my email correspondence, and in Google Docs for my book manuscripts.

Grammarly will save you time, money, and embarrassment.

You’re welcome.

The Grammarly free version is adequate for some. Others would benefit from the upgrade to the Premium Plan. The Premium option currently costs $12 per month.

Relationship Marketing — Sendinblue

Email marketing still reigns supreme when it comes to ROI (return on investment). Constant Contact states that email marketing returns $36 for every $1.00 spent. An ROI of 36 is way off the charts!

There are dozens of fantastic email marketing companies. We settled on Sendinblue many years ago for a few strategic reasons.

Cost is the first reason. With Sendinblue, we can send 9,000 emails per month at no cost. We’re able to automatically send emails to new subscribers, and attach lead magnets, all with a solid analytical tool — at no cost!

I began my email marketing relationship with MailChimp. I couldn’t be happier with my switch to Sendinblue.

Start with the free version. When you’re sending more than 9,000 emails per month and require a few other bells and whistles consider the next level upgrade at $25 per month.

Graphic Design — Canva

When The Profit Dare website was launched my graphic design skills were awful. I struggled until I began using Canva.

I used the free version of Canva for over a year and it served me well. With the addition of a second website and two YouTube channels, I needed a bit more flexibility so I upgraded.

The free version is great while still learning the ins and outs of graphic design. Whenever you start muttering, “I wish Canva did this” to yourself then it’s probably time to consider the upgrade.

Canva Pro currently runs $119.99 per year. Trust me, it’s worth every penny. I’m considering going up to the next level so I can include another team member.

What Does It All Cost, Pal?

These items will get you started and provide a great user experience. I recommend that you use as many free items as possible for the first year. Many bloggers start and stop. Take a year-long test drive and see if you love it or not.

Company Name Free Version Annual Upgrade Cost Notes
Blue Host N/A $59.40 Increases to $131.88 after one year
WordPress Yes N/A Free when using Blue Host
Word Press Themes Yes N/A If you’re going to buy use Acabado or Divi
Acabado (theme) No $67 The 100-year license is a great value.
Divi (themes plus more!) No $89 The lifetime license is highly recommended if possible
Grammarly Yes $144 I. Love. Grammarly.
Sendinblue Yes $300 Start your email list ASAP!
Canva Yes $119.99 Use the free until you’re ready to remove the training wheels
Total Cost $0 $690 — $712 You can get started for as little as $59.40!!!

These six items will get you on the right track for your small business or side hustle website. Breaking the bank is unnecessary. Getting started with less than $60 is possible.

Here’s to your success!!

Timothy Kiser is the author of The Profit Dare and Floating Axes And No Taxes. He’s a former youth pastor, church planter, and short-term missionary. He currently manages a multi-billion dollar portfolio for a Fortune 1oo company. His passion, however, is to share simple financial solutions that inspire savvy stewardship.

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