Prosperity gospel lies are abundant. Some of the lies are obvious. Others are vague. Supporters of the prosperity gospel vigorously defend its authenticity. Critics insist that it is unbiblical and some even state this it’s heretical.

The prosperity gospel is a man-made doctrine steeped in unquestioned health and wealth for the faithful adherents. Health and wealth are the rewards for an ironclad faith, tithing, giving above and beyond the tithe, and precise positive confessions. This doctrine is a false gospel and has harmed many naive believers.

What Is The Prosperity Gospel

The prosperity gospel is a belief system that is contrary to Scripture. The doctrine portends that suffering, sickness, and poverty are a result of sin or lack of faith in a believer. God’s favor is poured out on those who have adequate faith, tithe, give extravagantly, and make positive confessions.

The sovereignty of God is tacitly removed in the prosperity gospel. Works are a major component of the doctrine. Financial frustration, suffering, and sickness are a result of weak faith, sin, or inadequate financial generosity.

Is The Prosperity Gospel Heretical

The prosperity gospel is troublesome. Questioning the authority of the leader is forbidden. The leaders are typically charismatic and the followers are often gullible. There is just enough “truth” in the messages to disclose the blatant errors.

Most “Word of Faith” churches believe that salvation is by grace through faith. Labeling them heretical is deeper than I would like to go.

The prosperity gospel is flawed, however. Here are some of the most egregious flaws in the prosperity gospel.

Lie #1 — Poverty Was Defeated At Calvary

Poverty, according to the word of faith preachers, is part of the curse of the law. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law. Therefore, we should not experience poverty. When we do it’s our fault.

Faith was not activated properly or we made a bad confession. God did His part and He cannot fail. If there is a disconnect it’s on us.

This alone has destroyed thousands.

Jesus died to pay for our sins. He didn’t die to make our life more tolerable on earth.

Matthew 26:11 You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have Me.

Lie #2 — Faith Is Similar to the Force (Star Wars)

Faith, according to prosperity preachers, is a spiritual force used to obtain health & wealth. Faith facilitates the blessing. When faith is weak God cannot bless a person.

According to these preachers, faith moves God. It’s like a force that He is unable to resist.

Prosperity Gospel Lies #3 — We Give To Get More

I was raised in this movement and became skeptical in my mid-twenties.

Some of the things that I heard, read, or witnessed were unthinkable.

Need more money? Sow larger seeds.

God is obligated, according to the prosperity gospel leaders, to increase the seed sown.

Lie #4 — Heavenly Bank Accounts

One preacher began teaching about heavenly bank accounts many years ago. He told listeners, and more importantly donors, that they had a heavenly bank account.

This account was just like a bank on earth.

Deposits are made.

Withdrawals were possible as well.

These were all accessed by the power of faith.

Withdrawals are impossible with the power of faith and five other simple actions.

The entire thing is a bunch of baloney.

Prosperity Gospel Lies #5 — Our Words Control God

Positive confession is a primary piece of the prosperity gospel. Our words truly matter. Words often impact our brains and our actions follow.

However, our words do not control God. God is sovereign.

Saying, “I’m broke!” will not magically bring poverty into your life. The entire idea of our words doing magic is scarily similar to the new age.

Lie #6 — Tithing Opens The Windows Of Heaven

God is not obligated to drop money from heaven when a person donates ten percent of their income to the church. Those in the prosperity gospel continue to peddle this lie.

Malachi was not written for American Christians in the 21st Century. It was written to Israelites who were commanded to tithe food items.

The windows of heaven were a way to describe the rains that were needed for crops. Farmers and shepherds tithed food. The food mentioned in Malachi 3:10 was actually edible items. It doesn’t magically transform into money now that the temple is destroyed.

Word of faith leaders consistently misapply tithing Bible verses.

Lie #7 — Offerings Begin After The Tithe

Well-intentioned Christians are told that the price of admission into the church is ten percent of their income. The tithe is owed and offerings can’t begin until the minimum amount is brought into the storehouse.

The storehouse has magically transformed from an actual storehouse into a modern church.

How convenient.

This is another scam perpetuated in the word of faith and prosperity gospel movement.

Tithing is a complex subject. I would never discourage anyone from giving a set amount to their church. However Biblical inaccuracy should be studied and addressed. Here’s an article with over forty specific Bible verses about tithing.

Lie #8 — God Wants Everyone To Be Rich

This one is super challenging. Poverty is a destructive force. It’s also relative. There’s really no such thing as a poor American. Even the poorest live like kings compared to many parts of the world.

It’s easy to believe that winning at wealth is super easy when living in the United States.

I was on a mission trip to Guatemala a few years ago. The mission was to teach at a bible college for a few days and then travel to a few of the village churches and preach.

Most of the families I encountered would have been considered poor by American standards. However, they were overflowing with joy and they were rock solid in the faith.

Wealth can make people soft. Money can be a hindrance.

God knows what is best for us. An easier life just might circumvent the deep work God is doing in a person’s heart.

Lie #9 — Jesus Was Rich In Worldly Wealth

Prosperity gospel preachers love to say that Jesus was rich. This idea helps soothe their conscience when they’re taking the last dollar from a poor widow.

I heard a prosperity false teacher once discuss the worth of the tunic Jesus wore when He was crucified. This apparently gave him permission to purchase custom-made Italian suits with donations.

Jesus stated that He had nowhere to lay His head. John Avanzini stated that Jesus had a big, nice house. I’m not sure what verse he used to make up that quote. It appears to contradict Jesus, though.

Lie #10 — Jesus Became Poor So We Could Become Rich

Prosperity gospel leaders seriously abuse 2 Corinthians 8:9.

The interpretation is a bit more complex than what Copeland et al, think.

2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake, He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.

Anything short of heaven would be poverty. Jesus was not poor according to material standards. He was poor because He was a lavish giver and practiced radical generosity.

Paul is provoking us to act similarly. Will we spend increases on our own desires? Or will be make ourselves (relatively) poor to help others?

That’s what Paul is getting at.

Prosperity gospel proponents feel that they must prove the blessing with private jets, Rolls Royce’s, and thousand-dollar shoes.

Jesus made Himself poor.

They are not the same.

Lie #11 — God Gives Double For Our Trouble

Leaders in the prosperity gospel massacre the book of Job. Most incorrectly believe that suffering is never the will of God. God allowed Job to suffer physically, familially, and financially. Both Peter and Paul regularly wrote about suffering.

Job witnessed the loss of family, endured unspeakable physical calamity, and took a major financial hit. Defenders of the prosperity gospel love Job 42:10.

Job 42:10 The Lord also restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the Lord increased double all that Job had.

It’s amazing that some people disregard the death of family and friends when double stuff is realized.

God does not give double for trouble in every situation. Plus, getting double for trouble as a reward is repugnant.

Galatians 1:8-9 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, even now I say again: if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!

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