Learning how to navigate the financial seasons of life is a game changer. This single adjustment to one’s perspective generates joy and reduces complaints. Navigating the financial seasons of life makes the invisible, visible, and impossible, possible.
Genesis 8:22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.
Natural seasons are predictable. Summer always follows Spring. The sun rises and sets with scientific precision. Seasons are unchangeable. Adapting to each season increases the opportunity for success. Financial seasons are similar. They are also predictable yet unchangeable. Success demands adaptation to the financial seasons of life, as well.
We cannot change our natural seasons or the financial seasons of life. Wishing them away is a waste of time. Shouting about their unfairness changes nothing. I learned this valuable lesson while stationed on an aircraft carrier.
The sole purpose of an aircraft carrier is to launch and recover aircraft while in the middle of the ocean. Launching and recovering aircraft is a complicated endeavor. The weather conditions must be perfect. Weather conditions out at sea are unpredictable and unchangeable.
The wind blows from a specific direction and at a specific speed. These conditions must be ideal in order to launch and recover aircraft safely. God would not alter the wind direction or speed for us. The wind speed and direction were unflinching.
So what did we do?
We changed the speed and direction of the ship to create ideal weather conditions. It’s the same with seasons.
Spring is going to be spring and it will not bend to our will. We must adapt to it.
We will discuss the four financial seasons that we all encounter in this brief article. Winter is often the time when things slow down. Spring is the season of hope and new beginnings. Summer is the time when the heat is the most intense. Fall should be the season of harvest.
The Financial Seasons of Life — Winter
Winter, for many of us, is brutally cold and bleak. Nights are longer and in many places, the sun is absent for days on end. The fruit trees are barren and the ground is frozen. Life has taken a leave of absence and death seems to be front and center.
Northern farmers do not plow, plant, weed, or harvest during the winter. It’s seemingly a wasted season. Wise farmers know differently.
The wise farmer mends fences and sharpens implements during the winter. He patiently embraces the truth that he, as well as the soil, needs renewal and restoration.
Natural winters can be brutal.
Personal winters of discouragement, disappointment, and devastation are common.
Financial winters have been the death knell of marriages, businesses, and hope. Some simply quit because of the agonizing accumulation of winters. Others tap out because of marital misunderstanding and financial frustration.
Navigating the financial season of winter requires patience, wisdom, and vision. What is only seen naturally can be discouraging. The miraculous is transpiring under the surface.
God’s providence is prominently on display in winter.
Let’s trust Him. God is in control. We know the end is going to be good and perfectly designed by Him.
Our attitude often needs adjustment in the winter of life.
The Financial Seasons of Life — Spring
Spring is the season of hope and rebirth. Birds chirp, wildflowers grow, and trees begin to bud.
For the farmer, Spring is a time of plowing and planting. There’s a brief window of opportunity to get valuable seed into the ground. Spring is not always cooperative, though.
Winter will attempt to remain longer than necessary. Excessive rain can make planting impossible. Frost can be destructive. The untilled ground often rejects seed.
Spring must be acted upon.
Financially, the discouragement of winter can decimate the hope of spring. Indecision on whether to plant can create a delay or denial for a future harvest.
We’re told that Noah saw the invisible and did the impossible (Hebrews 11:7). He had never seen rain before. There were no boat stores or lumber yards. He operated in faith. The window of opportunity for Noah was limited. Thankfully he operated in reverent fear.
We have a limited number of springs. Often our window of opportunity is brief, as well.
Will you apply for the new job? Why have you not started that business, side hustle, blog, or podcast? Are you afraid of failing or are you afraid of succeeding?
Why have you delayed contributing to your 401(k) plan at work? You continue to tell yourself that Roth IRAs are reserved for rich people. Why?
Your resume could use a makeover but bingeing Netflix is easier.
There is a Saturday course at the local community college but why bother? Will it really make a difference this late in life? Plus, Saturdays are your only real day off, you lamely justify.
Are you making enough calls, sales professional? Is your pipeline rusty?
Everyone has to get good at one of two things: planting in the spring or begging in the fall.
Jim Rohn
The majority of people fail to plant in spring. Excuses are in abundance
Those who fail to plant in the spring have paltry harvests come autumn.
Savvy stewards regularly remind themselves of Genesis 8:22 and get busy planting for their future.
Summer — Stick to the Plan
Winter is in our rearview mirror. It was challenging and by God’s grace, we not only survived but thrived.
During the spring we plowed and planted. We, like Noah, saw the invisible and acted accordingly.
Summer presents its own set of unique challenges. Evidence of our hard work is invisible for weeks and sometimes months. How do we truly know that what we planted will result in a future harvest?
This is where patience is vital.
Patience is such an important subject I’ve written a separate article on it. Click on the link for my article titled The Key To Financial Freedom For Christians. Patience is also a full chapter in my book The Profit Dare (Amazon link).
Patience is more than tolerance. It’s the quality that does not bend or bow to situations or circumstances. When things seem to be going south we lift our heads, square our shoulders, and declare that our God is able!
The financial season of summer is also rife with distractions. Resist the allure to play during summer. Sure, have some fun. Sharpen the saw. Keep your guard up, though. When guards are down, pests and varmints invade and destroy.
The Fall of Mankind invited attacks on all things good (Genesis 3:14-19). A harvest of thorns and thistles is easily obtained. A bountiful harvest requires diligence and military like vigilance.
Combat the invasion of doubt, victimhood, apathy, laziness, fear, negativity, and pride. Fight these enemies daily.
Eve chatted with the serpent. We must cut off its head at first sight!
The Financial Season of Fall
Autumn should be a time of thanksgiving and harvest. This is when we discover how we did in the prior three seasons of winter, spring and summer. Did we mend and repair in winter? Were we planting in spring or making excuses? Did we spend the summer playing or were we protecting our future harvest?
Fall is the season of results.
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
The law of sowing and reaping is often brutal. It’s unmoved by good intentions, kindness, or need. We reap what we sow.
The commutative property allows to rearrange the law of sowing and reaping. We reap what we sow. What we reap is the direct result of what we planted. Those who plant pride, arrogance, laziness, and indifference will harvest devastation.
The hardworking, humble, and wise reap amazing harvests. Did you make the extra sales call each day? Did you show up on time and give 100%? If so, your harvest will be abundant.
Was your harvest smaller than you expected? If so, look in the mirror to see who is to blame. This is the time to take responsibility for your harvest. Blaming Uncle Sam, inflation, taxes, and your community will not improve your situation.
Over the winter conduct an honest reflection of your financial season. Could you have taken that class, read that book, made that sales call, or created more content?
Above all, do not lie to yourself.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Was your harvest abundant and bountiful? If so, give God the praise! Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed. We read in Genesis that Isaac sowed in the land of famine and reaped one hundredfold (Genesis 26:12). God, in His providence, blessed your life!
Don’t get prideful. Overconfidence in Autumn could result in apathy in the winter and laziness in Spring. Keep pressing forward in savvy stewardship.
The Financial Seasons of Life
Seasons come and go until they eventually stop forever. We only have so many opportunities to plant and harvest. God has numbered our days.
It’s our responsibility to work while it’s still day and to be faithful stewards of our season.
Learn to navigate the financial seasons of life!